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Tal på engelska av miljöminister Andreas - Regeringen
Routledge, 2017. Jämför priser · Lägg boken i din Economic anthropology history, ethnography, critique, Hann, Chris, 2011, , Talbok med Stone age economics, Sahlins, Marshall D, 2011, , Talbok med text. 38 M SAHLINS, Stone age economics, s 1-39. 39 För en framställning av den äldre uppfattningen jmfr M J HERSKOVITZ, Economic an thropology, s 88-108.
Transaction Publishers, 1974 - 348 sidor. 2 Recensioner . Förhandsvisa den här boken STONE AGE ECONOMICS BY MARSHALL SAHLINS ~~ w ···~··· ALDINE • ATHERTON, INC. CHICAGO & NEW YORK The Author Marshall Sahlins is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1954 and has taught there and at the University of Paris at Nanterre. Editorial Reviews "Sahlins’ forays into economic anthropology are full of interest." Cyril S. Belshaw, American Anthropologist "Stone Age Economics, while not a survey of the economic anthropology, is as of now the most sophisticated, extensive presentation, and argument in and about, the field." Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders.
Under review, Remittances and relationships: Exchange in Bronze Age economics: The beginnings of political economies. Boulder: Westview Press. Rock art and landscapes: Studies of Stone Age rock art from northern Fennoscandia.
Tal på engelska av miljöminister Andreas - Regeringen
London: Routledge. Sarmela, Matti 1979.
Publikationer - Institutet för Näringslivsforskning
Stivens, Maila. 2012. Gender. I A Handbook of Economic Anthropology, second edition, James G I boken “Stone Age Economics” av Marshall Sahlins (Aldine de Gruyter, Hawthorne, New York, 1972) redovisas bland annat en studie av Man arbetade helt enkelt mindre på ”stenåldern”, menar han och hänvisar till Marshall Sahlins omtalade bok Stone Age Economics . Man levde av E Hjärthner-Holdar — KEYWORDS: Bloomery Iron Production; Scandinavian Iron Age;. Heterarchy Building material for the furnaces varied; even at an early stage, both stone and different past has been sketched (for example Sahlins 1972). Pimlico Sahlins, Marshall.
Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Stone Age Economics. 2017-04-26 · Stone Age Economics by Marshall Sahlins, 9781138702615, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Buy Stone Age Economics by Sahlins, Marshall online on at best prices. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Stone Age Economics is a classic of economic anthropology, ambitiously tackling the nature of economic life and how to study it comparatively.
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Nomor Panggil, 306.3 SAH s. Pengarang. Sahlins, Marshall, author.
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Buy Stone Age Economics by Sahlins, Marshall online on at best prices. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Stone Age Economics is a classic of economic anthropology, ambitiously tackling the nature of economic life and how to study it comparatively. This collection of six influential essays is one of Marshall Sahlins' most important and enduring works, claiming that stone age economies formed the original affluent society.
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Gåvoekonomin i det modema samhället - DiVA
Brottsprevention som begrepp och samhällsfenomen: Arkiv förlag. Sahlins, Marshall.
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xiv Stone Age Economics economics flourishes as ideology at home and ethnocentrism abroad.
[5] Ester Boserup, Jordbruksutveckling och befolkningstillväxt, CWK Gleerup (Lund) 1973. Detta finns bland annat beskrivet i Marshall Sahlins bok Stone Age Economics.